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Proxyflare is a reverse proxy for your Cloudflare domain

Move HTTP traffic around your domain and across the internet with ease

> npm install @flaregun-net/proxyflare-for-pages
1import proxyflare from "@flaregun-net/proxyflare-for-pages"
3export const onRequest: PagesFunction[] = [
4  (context) => proxyflare({
5    config: {
6     routes: [
7       apiRoute,
8       websocketRoute,
9       wordpressRoute,
10       reactRoute,
11       privateR2BucketRoute,
12       publicR2BucketRoute,
13       staticTextRoute,
14       redirectRoute,
15     ]
16    }
17  })(context)

âš¡ Make hard networking problems easy

See what Proxyflare can do for you

Send traffic to another web service


Proxyflare can send incoming traffic on your domain to other places on the internet.

With the above code, traffic on subpaths of api is sent to a remote service.

Send traffic over a websocket connection


Proxyflare is compatible with HTTP and Websocket protocols.

Proxyflare upgrades to wss: protocol if provided. Try out our websocket playground by clicking the button below.

Mount your Wordpress-powered website


Mount your CMS-powered websites on a subpath of your apex domain.

Press Try it and notice how Proxyflare handles routing and rewrites links on the Wordpress website.

Mount your frontend Javascript framework-powered website


Mount your single page app on a subpath of your apex domain.

Proxyflare works with any website — whether its powered by a client side bundle or rendered server side.

Serve content from a private Cloudflare R2 bucket


Proxyflare can serve content from a private Cloudflare R2 object storage bucket.

Mount a private R2 bucket on any part of your domain by providing the bucket metadata and a valid R2 API token

Serve content from a public Cloudflare R2 bucket


Proxyflare can serve content from a public Cloudflare R2 object storage bucket.

Mount a public R2 bucket on any part of your domain with a simple configuration

Serve static files such as robots.txt

robots.txt SEO file

Proxyflare can serve a text file on any URL on your domain.

Serve HTML, JSON, and metadata files by providing the file text and content-type response header.

Redirect traffic to another domain


Proxyflare can redirect traffic from absolute or wildcard pathnames on your domain to other places on the internet.

Provide a statusCode to redirect traffic to a page or part of your domain with the desired response code.